Mayo EXperience
Database (MXD)
Time Period: Spring 2021 – Spring 2022

Mayo EXperience Database (MXD) Interface
As genomic testing becomes increasingly common in healthcare, clinicians and genetic counselors need the ability to prioritize related annotation information towards actionable results in a way that can be faithfully shared between existing clinical tools that support decision making.
Genetic testing at Mayo Clinic is conducted for multiple clinical and research sequencing purposes and the variant results are analyzed and annotated through separate specialized interfaces within the organization. This variant annotation information is ultimately submitted by each of these specialized sources into a shared MongoDB database to enable across-platform querying.Greater transparency was required into the structure and contents of the shared MongoDB, to quantify the consistency, correctness, and completeness of the variant annotation data being submitted from the different end points. This databaseaudit and validation effort enables even broader sharing of annotation data to different client applications across Mayo Clinic.
VA and Mayo Clinic have collaborated to make a user interface that provides database validators insights into how source systems have submitted variant annotation data to the shared database over time. This interface is designed to allow validators to understand the different usage patterns from diverse database annotation fields across time, submitting systems, and different variant types. The MXD user interface allows investigators to also explore the values submitted to each annotation field and their related usage patterns. Finally, it provides for the collection of metadata and comments about each annotation field to enable 1) MXD database curators to improve the quality of the annotations and 2) future connections of the data to outside applications while maintaining more precisely-defined criteria for its interpretation and use.
VA designed and developed the user interface for this MXD variant annotation database in collaboration with Mayo IT andclinical professionals. We attempted to understand what questions needed to be asked and answered about the data and how this information could be presented to users in a dynamic way. We also had many discussions with stakeholders about the
For this project, the VA group was able to work with a talented and dedicated group of product owners and developers at Mayo Clinic to produce an interface that provided new insights and management capabilities for the MXD database. The Product Owners were involved in providing regular guidance, feedback, and testing of the interface design and served as the initial user group for the product. The Mayo developers helped collate the MXD database summaries and provided the testing and production environments for the application.

VA Participants
Charles Blatti, PhD, Principal Investigator
Chad Olsen, MS,Ffrontend Development
Matt Berry, MS, Frontend Development
Colleen Bushell, MFA, Data Visualization and Information Design
Lisa Gatzke, BFA, UI/UX DesignAHO Collaborating Center on Information Systems for Health
Katherine Kendig, Project Manager
Holly Highland, Project Manager
Our Collaborators
John Monk, Lead Analyst, Mayo Clinic
Eric Winter, Developer, Mayo Clinic
Paris Hare, Developer, Mayo Clinic
Jessica Balcom, Product Owner, Mayo Clinic
Sarah Barnett, Product Owner, Mayo Clinic
Michelle Kluge, Product Owner, Mayo Clinic
Gay Reed, Senior Project Manager, Mayo Clinic
Molly Hein, IT Application Architect, Mayo Clinic
Benjamin Elgin, IT Analyst, Mayo Clinic
Jennifer Skierka, IT Application Architect, Mayo Clinic
Gregory Kapraun, IT Manager, Mayo Clinic

Project Contact:
Charles Blatti
MXD UI Product Architect
Funding agency:
Mayo Clinic